Enriching Our Community Hope For A New Day
Mountainland Supply is privileged to sponsor a charitable arm of their company known as “Giving Hopeā¢” that continues to benefit Primary Children’s Hospital. The hospital provides medical care to young people throughout the Intermountain West and often shoulders the expense of these services for the families unable to cover the costs themselves.
We appreciate your interest in participating in Mountainland Supply’s “Giving Hope” Charity. Your participation and contribution will directly benefit Primary Children’s Hospital to enrich the lives of people in our community. Giving Hope is made up of volunteers which allows us to contribute 100% of the net proceeds to this worthwhile organization. We have made a commitment to raise $100,000 this year. We need your help!
Giving Hope is in the process of being certified with the IRS as a 501(c)(3) organization. Upon certification, you will receive a receipt of your donation for possible tax purposes with a letter letting you know how much your donation helped us to reach our goal of $100,000 to Primary Children’s Hospital. We are grateful for your willingness to assist in this great work of enriching our community and bringing hope to these youth for a new day. Thank you for joining us in Giving Hope!

Intermountain Primary Children’s Hospital
As a nationally ranked children’s hospital, Primary Children’s Hospital provides life-saving treatments and breakthrough research for children across the Intermountain West. Your contribution is vital to funding areas such as Advanced pediatric medical research, patient care programs, medical technology and equipment, medical education, charity care, music and art therapy, bereavement counseling, and hospital improvement projects.
Contact Giving Hope to See How You Can Help
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